Compassionate, non-judgemental

nutrition counselling for all bodies



Gentle nutrition is the private practice of Brigid Horan Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD). Brigid is a is a passionate size inclusive practitioner who helps people heal their relationship with food and their body.


Disordered Eating

Do you feel out of control around food or struggle to ‘stay on track’? Are you confused about what you “should” eat or struggle to decide what to eat? Do you have periods of under-eating then over-eating? Are you a yo-yo dieter? Do you spend a lot of time thinking about food eating or your body? Brigid works with people with disordered eating habits including chronic dieting, restrictive and rigid eating habits, over eating and emotional or binge eating behaviours.

Eating disorder recovery

Deciding to get help for an eating disorder may be the hardest thing you’ve ever done but recovery is possible. Brigid works in collaboration with other mental health professionals to help people over 16 years old struggling with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED). Brigid is a Credentialled Eating Disorder Clinician with ANZAED.

Hormonal issues - PCOS

If you are living with PCOS you will likley be experiencing changes to your body and your appetite. Often individuals are encouraged to ‘lose weight’ as if it is a simple request however this is usually unsustainable long term and can often lead to feelings of failure, disordered eating habits and for some can lead to cravings, binge eating and further appetite dysregulation. Brigid supports people to eat well not eat less and through good stable nutrition we aim to stabilise hormones and body weight.

Brigid works as part of the team at The Lighthouse Clinic in Kiama NSW. The Lighthouse Clinic are a group practice providing psychiatry, psychology and dietetic services to the community. For more information about the Lighthouse Clinic visit

For enquiries or to make an appointment please call 02 4203 7115 or complete the form below.