
Hi Iā€™m Brigid.

I have been a dietitian for over 20 years, and I have seen that for many people, dieting is harmful.

Rigid diets for weight loss result in short term weight loss, long term weight regain and unhealthy eating habits and attitudes towards food. Research supports this with evidence that dieting is associated with an increase in disordered eating habits, eating disorders, long term weight gain, yo-yo weight cycling and poor body image. This knowledge lead me be to start my own private practice as a size inclusive practitioner.

A size inclusive approach to health respects all bodies and does not judge a persons health based on their body size. It focuses on helping individuals of any size engage in health behaviours without fosusing on weight loss.

I am passionate about helping people learn to eat intuitively by reconnecting with their body cues of hunger and fullness and eat in a satisfying pleasurable way. I take a gentle approach to nutrition and work towards feeling good about food choices.

My goal is to provide compassionate non-judgemental nutrition counselling to help you improve your relationship with food so that you can live the life you desire.